Friday, August 4, 2017

Black-winged Kite - a second encounter

Black-winged Kite (Elanus caerulus)
Seen perching at power cable along Miri-Bintulu coastal road.

On the 23rd of July'17, I was on my way back to Bintulu after a brief weekend in Miri. I have decided to drive the way back using the Miri-Bintulu coastal road. From the 92 km milestone and for a few kilometers on the road I encountered a few familiar loooking birds perching on the power cables along the two-lane tarsealed road.  All around and along the coastal road there was endless plantation of oil palms.  When I decided to stop temporarily on the road shoulder to have a chance at get closer shots of the birds they seemed to be alerted at my presence with their sharp eyes focussed on me.  In many instances, upon seeing me they took flight only to perched again on the cables.  This action on their part allowed me chances to play it cool on them and nor to scare them away.  In the end they gave me many chances to shoot at them within close range.  Here are the pictures that show how handsome and sharp these Black-winged kites are.  For the record this is my second encounter with these birds.  The first encounter was in Bintulu in 2014 along the coastal stretch of road near ABF housing area. The link is here...>>>
A small and handsome kite with white body and triangular black patch on its wings.  When alerted it flew away in graceful flight but will be back again perching on the power cable.

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